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How are videochat minutes calculated?

Surfly’s videochat is based on WebRTC technology.


Web Real-Time Communication, or WebRTC, allows video and audio communication to happen on web pages.

WebRTC streams are a sequence of information that are made available from time to time. This information is mostly the video and audio data.

Publishers are the sources streaming the video/audio, while subscribers are the ones receiving it.

During the video chat, the users are both subscribers and publishers.

Videochat minutes calculation formula

Videochat minutes are charged per subscribed minute, the calculation for which is:

videochat duration * nr. of session participants * nr. of subscribed streams

Videochat duration is the period of time during the session when the videochat was enabled.

Number of session participants - a number of users present during the session.

Number of subscribed streams - number of session participants minus one.

For example, if session duration is 20 min and there are 5 participants, all of which had videochat enabled for 15 min, then the videochat minutes will be:

15 * 5 * 4 = 900 minutes

Whereas, if session duration is 20 min and there are 2 participants, all of which had videochat enabled for 15 min, then the videochat minutes will be:

15 * 2 * 1 = 30 minutes

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