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Updates for On-Premise Customers

On-premise customers who have deployed Surfly on their own servers are recommended to update their servers every other week. This may seem frequent, but it is important to ensure the security and performance of the platform.

The web is constantly changing, with updates to browsers, protocols, and infrastructure happening regularly. As a web-based platform, Surfly needs to stay up to date with these changes to ensure that it remains secure and performs optimally. This is why we deploy updates frequently.

The process of updating the server is straightforward and involves executing a setup, which typically takes around 10 minutes and does not require any downtime or server restart. However, it is recommended to perform these updates during off-business hours as the service refresh at the end of the setup can cause a disconnection of any active Surfly sessions.

In addition to keeping up with the changes in the web, we also release new features and improvements regularly. These updates may include bug fixes, security patches, and new functionality. By deploying frequently, we can quickly address any issues that arise and ensure that our customers have access to the latest and greatest features.

If you do not have a lower Surfly environment, you can use Surfly's UAT (user-acceptance testing) platform, which is accessible through This platform provides a testing environment where you can test the latest Surfly versions before deploying them on your own on-premise servers.

If you are a Surfly customer and do not have an account on Surfly UAT, please contact and we will assist you in setting up an account.

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