The following is a network overview of Surfly Public Cloud:
Origin Servers represent the infrastructure of a web-app. a Tab-owner is co-browsing.
The content of each tab is rendered in the browser of its Tab-owner. Only updates to the Document Object Model (DOM), which provide lossless visuals, are shared with the other participants.
In a Surfly session, there may be several Tab-owners, but each individual Surfly tab has only one Tab-owner, depending on who opened it. Visual updates are shared with the other participants in that session, and the network overview of each Surfly tab remains the same, as described below.

The following is a network overview of Surfly On-premise setup:
Origin Site represents the infrastructure of a web-app. that a Tab-owner is co-browsing.
The content of each tab is rendered in the browser of its Tab-owner. Only updates to the Document Object Model (DOM), which provide lossless visuals, are shared with the company Agents. Financial institutions with regulatory requirements that necessitate on-site data processing typically choose this model. As a result, they install Surfly on-premise server(s) at their own location.