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Deployment Models

Public cloud clients

Private-Server clients

Surfly Public Cloud

Custom SSL Certificate

Private Cloud



Your sessions run using

Your sessions run using*

Your sessions run using

Your sessions run using


We take care of the hosting and monitoring of the underlying infrastructure

We take care of the hosting and monitoring of the underlying infrastructure

We take care of the hosting and monitoring of the underlying infrastructure

You have to care of the hosting and monitoring of the underlying infrastructure


We use single tenant servers only. Session data is logically separated for all sessions, from all users.

Sessions are hosted using any of our data center locations that are spread across the globe.#

We use single tenant servers only. Session data is logically separated for all sessions, from all users.

Sessions are hosted using any of our data center locations that are spread across the globe.#

We use single tenant servers dedicated to your sessions only.

Sessions are hosted using your private sever setup in a region or your choice. (AWS/Azure)

You decide what kind of server you want to use to install Surfly and run your sessions.^

Sessions are hosted using your own sever setup (data center or any cloud provider). Surfly has no access or control over this server.

Change Control

Surfly's software release cycle applies. You always use the latest version.**

Surfly's software release cycle applies. You always use the latest version.**

You decide your update cycle.**

You manage your server updates yourself.**


Video-chat & Screen-sharing included^^

Video-chat & Screen-sharing included^^

Video-chat & Screen-sharing included^^

Video-chat & Screen-sharing are not included.+

Document Editor

Document Editor

Document Editor

Document Editor


Contact our Sales team

Contact our Sales team

Contact our Sales team

Contact our Sales team

* How can I run Surfly sessions using my own domain?

# By default, sessions are started from the closest available location. List of all available regions. However, if you want to set a preference for location or even fix the location(s) where the session should start from, you can.

^ Minimum System requirements & Deployment details for on-premise deployment.

** We update our servers frequently - at least weekly. These updates do not result in server downtime, but they can cause some active sessions to be disconnected. To prevent this, we deploy updates during off-business hours for each region.

^^ The usage of video chat is restricted to 1000 minutes per user per month for the entry level plans. For usage-based plans, the limit is same as the number of monthly minutes allowed.

+ It uses a 3rd-party service that runs through cloud only and can be enabled for you at extra cost.

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